We would like to thank the Hungarian Government and the European Union for their support.
Our company, originally called JUTAKI Bt, but from from 14 August 2023 changed to JUTAKI Ltd. received a loan in 2021 by winning a tender ID number GINOP-9.1.1-21 entitled "Interest-free Restart Fast Loan Program" supported by MFB (Hungarian Development Bank) in the amount of HUF 10,000,000 to finance current assets and operating costs.
The funding is provided as part of the EU's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of the loan is to finance the operating expenses, wages, contributions and current assets of the enterprise.
Start date of project implementation: 14 July 2021
Planned date of completion: 15 June 2031
Unique identification number of the project: H-EUGYI/094000/2021/450824/001