Orsolya Carrick
- Experience: Founder and operational leader of Kids and Teens English Club,
- Courses: 2
- Website: http://www.example.com
Orsolya Carrick is the founder and operational leader of Kids and Teens English Club, a private language school specializing in children’s English language education.
She founded her school in 2008, after recognising the need among parents and students for high quality private English tuition in Hungary. Throughout the years working as an English teacher, she attained first-hand experience which led to the development of programs targeting the specific needs of different age groups. This also shaped methods that ensure students' achievement using the most effective language education while keeping the students’ positive and inquisitive attitude.
At the moment her school provides online classes on weekdays along with weekend and summer project based clubs and courses.
“ I’ve been amazed from the first moment we started using PBL as a teaching method. Looking at the results it has produced not only in our students' level of English, but the simultaneous improvement of many other skills it comes with, I felt more attention needed to be paid to this methodology in language teaching. When children attend our 4x45 minute sessions instead of a normal 45 minute class at school, they find themselves immersed and engaged in a native English speaking environment, and after about 60 minutes they no longer translate their thoughts and sentences, but use English as a tool of expressing their thoughts and ideas on a project. It is at this moment that they stop worrying about making mistakes and continue to confidently use English in an uninhibited way. This is when full language immersion happens. Their language skills develop in an interactive and enjoyable way that makes students keen on involvement, learning and practicing their newly gained language skills. Students also become open, making language learning more efficient and effective. As soon as I experienced the greatness of this methodology I felt an immediate need for ‘spreading the word’. Students benefit from this way of learning on a dynamic level. My mission is to encourage teachers and schools to introduce and use the Project Based Learning method within the language classroom.”