Storytelling Museums - patterns of copying Arts & Creativity
The aim of the course is to give teachers the opportunity to experience first-hand the work of self-discovery that comes from combining stories with museum exhibitions.
Teacher motivation Soft skills & Wellbeing
This training aims to bring attention to vision in the teaching profession, where long-term goals and future plans are combined with tangible images and the involvement of different senses.
The climate crisis, green issues and sustainability: teaching and learning opportunities in today’s language classrooms Teaching methods & Innovation
Whatever the context, language teaching provides a fantastic opportunity for sustainability to be incorporated into curricula, teaching materials, classroom activities, project work, assessment and teacher training.
Történetek... ...térképre tűzve Magyar nyelvű kurzusok
A kurzus során felfedezzük és megismerjük azokat a zárt és nyitott tereket, amelyekben történetek rejtőznek.
Using digital storytelling to develop presentation and language skills ICT & AI
The course will focus on the importance of these skills since they are essential in the 21st century, where future employees need to present their ideas or tasks to engage the audience.
Varázsold elő tanítványodból a talentumot - Komplex 3+T: holisztikus megközelítés, párhuzamos képességfejlesztés - hatékony tehetséggondozás Magyar nyelvű kurzusok
Célja, hogy a tesztelést és az azonosítást megelőzően, a tehetség kibontakozásához szükséges kognitív, affektív és szomatikus képességeket párhuzamosan, komplex módon fejlessze.
Visual Narrative Media Literacy Arts & Creativity
This workshop provides for practical and inspirational session, presenting new and business centered tendencies in marketing and branding, it will also teach you how to provide nurturing context for the audience and how to become a better communicator...
Watching the English... with a touch of humour Teaching methods & Innovation
Participants can take a glimpse at English people’s lives, in detail which will surprise even the most initiated EFL teachers
Whatever You Say... SAY IT RIGHT! Teaching methods & Innovation
"WHATEVER YOU SAY, SAY IT RIGHT" takes you through methodology and practical examples of natural and cross-cultural acquisition of language skills needed for a high-standard as well as an unbuttoned daily communication.
Building & maintaining a positive classroom environment - through communication skills - Vienna Classroom management
The course will address career milestones and work on teacher identities
Staying relevant in changing times: Why extending your professional roles will impact your career - Vienna 21st century skills
In this course participants will learn the basic skills, tools, roles, and responsibilities beyond teaching for training, mentoring, facilitating, consulting, and coaching.
English for Teachers, Planning Erasmus+ Mobilities Magyar nyelvű kurzusok
The focus will be placed on successful communication, situations expected to occur before and during an Erasmus+ mobility, traveling, accommodation, student/workplace issues, teacher training courses, documentation.